
Frequently Asked Questions

What is KWC and when did it start?

The KWC is the world’s biggest and most prestigious global talent competition and music event. It brings together singers & songwriters from all over the world. KWC is the opportunity for aspiring artists to show their amazing talents to the world and to give the crowd an unforgettable experience. The competition has been organised annually since it originally founded in Finland in the year 2003. The annual World finals have been held in various countries around the world. You can read more about the history of the competition here.

How can represent my country at KWC?

By participating in your national KWC competitions. The winners get a paid trip to represent their countries in the World Finals. If your country does not have a national competition, you are eligible to participate in the global KWC ONLINE competition.

How can I join as a competitor then?

Check whether or not your country is listed on the Countries page. There will be a link to the local webpage, where you should find more information about your local trials.

But am I eligible to compete?

If you are over 18 years of age and consider yourself an unsigned talent, you are eligible.

I’m a foreigner living in a new country, can I represent it in the competition?

Yes, provided that you have citizenship or have lived in the new country for the past three (3) years.

Which songs can I choose?

On most rounds you are free to perform any song you like in any language, style or genre. However in 2025 there are two new rules regarding song choices: one of your songs should be from the country you represent, and one song should be considered uptempo". We also advice to read the rules regarding song lyrics. Please note that we may ask for translations in English if the lyrics can't be easily found.

What is in it for the winner?

The Solo winner gets the title of KWC Champion and an invitation (travelling expenses paid) to perform in the next year’s World Finals, a cash prize and a sponsor prize. Duets and Song Contest winners will also receive titles and cash prizes.

What if I already participated, can I try again?

Yes you can try again, except for World Champions. You can win the competition only once. Some countries also want singers to have a break before re-entering national competitions.


  • In KWC, artists are eligible to participate as long as they do not have a management or recording contract that would prevent them from competing. If you are unsure, consult the party with whom the contract has been made. KWC must have the right to use the artist’s name, likeness, and all recorded images and audio captured during and for the competition, without limitation and without an expiration date. If these rights can be guaranteed, having a recording or management contract does not disqualify an artist from participating.
  • 18 is the minimum age to participate in KWC.
  • The contestant must represent a country and be a citizen: has lived in the country for the past 3 years or have a citizenship (i.e. a national passport and social security number) of the country he or she is representing.
  • Country partners are not eligible. If you are the person (or one of the persons) responsible in producing your national competition and forming your national jury, you can not participate as a singer. The only exception is in duets for first-time partners. They can join their contestant in the Duets competition but only once.
  • The organizers reserve the right to make the final assessment regarding any entrant’s eligibility over and above these conditions of entry. Entrants may be asked to sign a legal document and provide proof regarding their eligibility.

All KWC artists are judged according to the KWC Judging criteria

  • Voice and technique: Quality of Voice, range, dynamics, skill, timing, breathing, pitch etc.
  • Artistry and Stage Presence: Expressiveness, musicality, song choice, confidence, appearance and the special X factor in the performance

Always perform as if you were in front of an audience. Stage presence is one of the judging criteria.

We are looking for singers and karaoke lovers from all over the World. We are looking for aspiring talent and voices that should be heard in other countries. We are looking for the World Champions of music!


¿Qué es el KWC y cuando inició?

El KWC es la más grande y prestigiosa competencia global de talento utilizando karaoke profesional.

Reúne cantantes de todo el mundo ofreciéndoles la oportunidad a futuros artistas, de mostrar su extraordinario talento al mundo y de brindarle a la audiencia del evento una experiencia inolvidable.

La competencia se realiza anualmente de forma ininterrumpida desde el año 2003, cuando se fundó en Finlandia. Puede leer sobre los ganadores y los lugares en detalle aquí.

¿Cómo puedo ganar el KWC?

Participando en la competencia nacional de KWC en tu país. Quienes ganen obtendrán un viaje pagado para representar a su nación en el Mundial del Karaoke. Si tu país aún no tiene un socio local que organice el evento, puedes ser elegible para el KWC Global Video Challenge.

¿Puedo ser representante local de KWC para mi país (PARTNER)?

Sí, los representantes locales de KWC son empresas o empresarios que organizan el evento localmente, puedes aprovechar una gran oportunidad de negocio representando a KWC en tu país comprando una licencia anual. Esta incluye información y acompañamiento para organizar tu primera competencia nacional. Los “PARTNERS” no pueden representar a su país cantando, deben organizar una competencia nacional y acompañar a los y las ganadoras al evento internacional anual. Para más información: [email protected].

¿Cómo puedo saber si en mi país ya hay un socio local (PARTNER)?

En este enlace puede revisar si su nación está entre los Países asociados (PARTNERS). encontrará un enlace a su sitio web local, donde podrá conocer detalles de los eventos para clasificar.

¿Soy elegible para competir?

Si tienes más de 18 años de edad y te consideras cantante, que no ha firmado contrato de representación con ninguna agencia o disquera, entonces podrías ser elegible, contacta a tu organizador local para mayores detalles.

¿Un extranjero(a) viviendo en un nuevo país, puede representarles en la competencia?

Sí. debes poder probar que tienes ciudadanía o por lo menos tres años de vivir en este país.

¿Qué canciones puedo cantar?

Eres libre de interpretar cualquier canción en cualquier idioma, estilo o género. Es posible que pidamos una traducción al inglés de las letras.

¿Cuál es el premio de esta competencia?

Quien gane la competencia recibe el título de Campeón Mundial y una invitación con los gastos pagos para presentarse en la final mundial del año siguiente, un premio en efectivo y de patrocinadores.

¿Puedo volver a participar?

Sí, a excepción de los campeones mundiales. Sólo se puede ganar una vez el título mundial. Algunos países pueden tener reglas de tomarse un descanso antes de volver a intentar representar a su país.